Gwyneth Palthrow is on the cover of this month's Elle magazine and she's dishing on the love of her "good" man Chris Martin,
macrobiotic food and her good girl gone bad ways.
Yup Mrs Martin says she's not as square as we may think and even wait for it .... enjoys the odd glass of red wine. And controversially when referring to her friend Courtney love the actress said:
"I don't think she's on Class A narcotics anymore. Maybe just Class C. That's no big deal - aren't we all, ha, ha, ha!"
Hmm moving on swiftly she also praised her hubby Coldplay frontman Chris Martin saying:
He's 'fundamentally generous', 'spiritually evolved' and a 'good, good man'.
And credits him for helping her to cope with her grief after her father passed away:
"I can’t listen to Swallowed In The Sea without crying. I’m amazed he stuck with me, because I was a wreck. I can’t believe that he did."
The interview actually sounds quite candid unlike those celebrity interviews that start off with the journalist describing how the
star was so much more beautiful, luminous, gracious in real life then rapidly descends into a sea of sycophancy as we are regaled with boring anecdote after boring anecdote.
The March issue of UK Elle is out today.